What to Consider??
Selling your Facility?  Looking for a new Home??  Perhaps you need to do both?  Sometimes just deciding whether to do either can be a challenge.  Of course the most important thing is the churches future.   
At Dan Moore Real Estate Services, we will not sale you on any part of a Real Estate Transaction.  However, we will provide you with enough information so that  the church can make the most educated decision possible, to ensure that your future goes in the direction you think it should go. 

Whether you're a recently assembled organization or one that's been around for quite some time.....we can help.  Questions about your first building?? or maybe you've been down this road before.  Either way, we can assist.  

So please take a look through our website.  Although 
this is only a glance at who we are and how we can be 
of service, we appreciate your time and we hope you contact us when you're ready to move forward.

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